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    Waikoloa Village Men’s Club

The Village Course At Waikoloa Supports Two Golf Clubs

The Poakolu Men's Golf Club
The Sunday Club

The Poakolu Men's Golf Club

The Poakolu Men's Golf Club plays on Wednesday and Saturday mornings, with tee times normally commencing at 7:42am. Members of the club are mostly retired, and their handicaps range from scratch golfers to 40 handicappers. The club offers a range of tournments with prizes for both low Gross and low Net scores.

Golfers interested in joining the Men's Club should contact the Secretary/Treasurer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.


The current dues for the club are as follows:

Joining Fee $10.00
Annual Membership Fee $30.00
Regular Tournament Fee $7.00
Guest Tournament Fee $2.00
Special Tournament Fees $20.00 (Optional)


To play in a club tournament, members must register their names according to the requirements of the tournament.
The Regular Wednesday and Saturday tournaments require registration in the book at the rear of the Pro-Shop. The Pro-Shop staff do not register members.


Handicaps for the Poakolu Men's Club are determined only from tournaments played at The Village Course at Waikoloa.
New members without a handicap need to play three rounds before a handicap can be assigned. New members may use their GHIN Index to play in their first three regular tournaments, after which they will play with their assigned club handicap. Members who wish to maintain a USGA-GHIN Index should contact the Village Course at Waikoloa Pro-Shop. An annual fee of $26 covers GHINs from January 1st to December 31st.


For each daily tournament, members are charged the Regular Tournament Fee, which goes towards “Game of the Day” and “Closest to the Pin (KP)” prizes.
Special Tournaments award a range of prizes.


Members can normally bring guests to the daily tournaments. Guest pay The Guest Tournament Fee each time they play, and may play with the club a maximum of 2 times before they are required to join the club.
Guests and Members without a current handicap are not allowed to play in the “Game of the Day”; they can however participate in the “Closest to the Pin” contest.


For the Poakolu Men's Club, members elect the tee from which they play and that tee is used to determine their Course Handicap.

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Hours of Operation

Monday: 630AM - 530PM
Tuesday: 630AM - 530PM
Wednesday: 630AM - 530PM
Thursday: 630AM - 530PM
Friday: 630AM - 530PM
Saturday: 630AM - 530PM
Sunday: 630AM - 530PM
